Fertility Fast Class – 3 Life Changing Ways to Pray During Infertility

We all know infertility is more than doctor appointments. It’s also about the day to day stuff, like supporting your spouse, managing relationships, wrestling with your faith, coping with a rollercoaster of emotions, working with insurance, etc.

Fertility Fast Class

 As I unwrapped all the “stuff” infertility involves I often felt exhausted, on information overload, confused and hopeless

But those things only scratched the surface. Deep down, I had heart level questions about my infertility journey that weren’t a topic of discussion at my medical appointments. 

Because of my firsthand experience, I knew I wanted to create an opportunity for those navigating infertility a quick, tactical + practical way to get expert, quality, and authentic information/help for their journey.

That’s why I’m launching the Fertility Fast Class.
☑️30 minute⁠
☑️tactical + practical
☑️real deal help⁠
☑️for living through infertility⁠

In my first ever *FREE* live Fertility Fast Class, I’ll be sharing 3 Life Changing Ways to Pray During Infertility. 

Choose from two dates:
➡️Nov. 12 @ 7:00 pm CT⁠
➡️Nov. 14 @ 9:00 am CT⁠

Fertility Fast Class
The Only Place You’ll Want to Be

If ANY of the following ring true, you can’t afford to miss this Fertility Fast Class…⁠
☑️You’re wrestling with your faith during this time (Me too!)⁠
☑️You want to pray, but aren’t sure how or why because all things infertility ⁠
☑️You’re tired of infertility controlling your life⁠

This class is quick and to the point, respecting your time and emotional energy. You might be thinking, I spend enough time thinking about infertility, I need a break. Yes, by all means, if you feel this way, do exactly that! ⁠

But if you’re looking to spend your time on something that will encourage, energize and bring you hope during this difficult time, this is the ONLY place you’ll want to be this week. ⁠

Have You Ever Thought…

❔How do I pray when life comes crashing down on me? ⁠
❔What does prayer look like during this time and does it even matter?

If so, sign up to join me for the first ever, Fertility Fast Class, where I’ll be sharing 3 Life Changing Ways to Pray During Infertility.⁠

This class is LIVE and won’t come around often, so be sure to join while you can!⁠

This class if FREE, but you do need to sign up to receive the link to join.

While this is geared towards those navigating infertility, the three points I’ll be sharing are applicable to any season of waiting. If that’s you, I can’t encourage you enough to join as well.

I have one small favor. Please share with one other person you know. That exponentially changes the impact this class can have on someone during a difficult time. You have the power to help others with the click of button. Exercise that power and share with someone you know today

I’ll see you there. 

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Please share with someone you know who could use some encouragement in the wait.